Fruit Bouquet
Fruit Bouquet
Fruit Bouquet
Fruit Bouquet
Fruit Bouquet


Fruit Bouquet


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Looking for the perfect recovery gift? Our enchanting fruit bouquet combines charm and wellness in a delightful package:

  • Romantic Glow: Delicate fairy lights add a magical touch, creating a gentle, soothing ambiance.
  • Perfectly Balanced: Includes five carefully selected fruits, providing just the right amount of healthy treats.
  • Creative Presentation: Wrapped like a floral bouquet, it’s a charming and unique alternative to a traditional fruit basket.

Brighten someone’s day with our fairy-lit fruit bouquet — a nutritious gift that’s sure to bring a smile!

- Fairy Light Deco
- 3 types of fruits

- Granny Smith Apple x 1
- Red Apple x2 (New Zealand Apple / Crispy Red Apple, depending on the season)
- Sweet Orange x 2

Keep refrigerated for freshness.