Christmas Celebration Basket
Christmas Celebration Basket
Christmas Celebration Basket
Christmas Celebration Basket
Christmas Celebration Basket


Christmas Celebration Basket


Quantity: In Stock

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Crafted for spreading Christmas wishes, our fruit basket is not just a gift; it's a heartfelt expression of joy and goodwill. With 13 types of fruits, from the exotic dragon fruit to the zesty sweetness of oranges, it caters to diverse palates, making it an ideal gift for everyone. Perfect for conveying warm wishes to friends, family, or colleagues, the Christmas Celebration Basket is a versatile way to share the joy of the season.

- 36cm (L) x 13cm (H) x 26cm (W) +-

- Christmas Decorations
- Mini Christmas Hat Hair Clip
- 13 types of fruits

- Papaya x 1
- Dragon Fruit x 1
- Mango x 1
- Avocado x 1
- Green Grapes x 300g +-
- Blueberry x 125g +-
- Black Grapes x 300g+-
- Sweet Orange x 1
- Red Apple x 1
- Fuji Apple (Big) x 1
- Persimmon x 1
- Kiwi x 3
- Lemon x 1

Keep refrigerated for freshness.